
Computer science


I completed the UML diagram and the base of the python code however I still didn't do the GUI interface and i need to complete it 
4 . \ufeffa . \ufeffAdd / \ufeffDelete / \ufeffModify / \ufeffDisplay details of employees, events, clients, guests and suppliers.
4 . \ufeffb . \ufeffDisplay all the details of an employee, given the ID number. 
4 . \ufeffc . \ufeffDisplay all the details of an event, given the ID number. 
4 . \ufeffd . \ufeffDisplay all the details of a client, given the ID number. 
4 . \ufeffe . \ufeffDisplay all the details of a supplier, given the ID number. 
4 . \ufefff . \ufeffDisplay all the details of a guest, given the ID number. 
4 . \ufeffg . \ufeffDisplay all the details of a venue, given the ID number. please do the code for me and send it privately

